Thursday, August 17, 2006

Sunderland Point

Do you ever have days when things just flow seamlessly? Yesterday was one of those lovely days. It started early... My son had two friends on a sleep over - they scared themselves silly watching The Mummy Returns and one was still awake at 3am, then they all woke up at 5am!

Once I had dragged myself out of slumber we set off for a day out. We visited Sunderland Point, a little peninsular near Lancaster, which used to be a port where ships unloaded cargo and got repaired, when Lancaster was a busy trading port in the 1700s. You can only get to it when the tide is out as the road is at sea level and floods at high tide. This added a slight frisson of danger for the boys!

We had a lovely time just wandering about, having a picnic listening to the seabirds and watching a heron imitating still life. The boys collected stones and scratched their names on them to place at the poignant little 'grave' of Sambo, a young black boy, who was supposed to have died there after leaving a slave ship in the 1790s.

We then went on to the River Lune where the boys splashed around like young puppies and ignored the soft summer rain as they skimmed stones and laughed. By the end of the afternoon we were all quite tired and lemon drizzle cake was a great way to complete the experience.

These times are what I find the most important and memorable - sharing enjoyable fun with those we care about. I hope you have a day like this soon!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Wheel of Fortune

What an amazing couple of days... my question was about the purpose and focus of life just now and this card has come up twice. The Wheel of Fortune is central to our lives and is one of the few that does not have a person centred. It represents Fate, destiny, sudden happenings outside of our control and expectations..amongst other things.

I have had so many good connections with people in the past 24hrs, including someone I needed to forgive and lots of interesting work opportunities. Having decided to try the web site dating once more I have had messages galore and am determined to explore the opportunities that fate is placing in front of me.

If you need to get a focus in your life, you must believe that things will improve and get back in touch with your inner voice. You truly do have the answers to your own dilemmas and all you need to do is be WHOLEHEARTED about moving forward. Then life will start to change for the better.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Temperance. Well, this card came up for me again and it is the 3rd time in a week so I am going to look once more for deeper significcance. Key words include Forgiveness, artistic creation, balance, intermingling and moderation. At present the route I am taking is rather vague and not clrealy defined. I get frustrated when things are not clear and I don't have a definite goal to work towards, but there is something here about being open to others, forgiving past hurts and being true to creativity.

I have been pondering on my meeting with the author of 'Living Magically' last week and re-reading it. The message that 'Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy' struck me really loudly today. I wonder where we unconsciously live out our fears and negativity? If we believe we can make a difference to our own lives as well as others, then surely we must develop a deep belief that we can affect our own lives for the better.

Today, how about believing that only positive things will happen and see what does materialise......

Monday, August 14, 2006

Heartbreak & Fulfillment

My request to the cards today was 'How can I use my skills to help others?' and I drew the 3 of Swords. As you can see, it is a powerful image and the meaning can seem very clear. Heartbreak, betrayal, loneliness, mourning and other such strong emotions are some of the indicators here. It may imply a necessary cutting off or illness. And how is this relevant to my question? Well, it could mean that past experiences can be used to help others deal with these issues. Certainly in the area of Change and Transition, in which I work, these are some of the major life feelings that my clients all experience at some time. Or it could be a warning of iminent bad news.

I remember doing readings for a close friend and myself last year and we both had this card in the position of forthcoming events... and a short while later she wrote to say that she was going through some intense personal issues and felt our friendship should be put on hold for some time. That bolt from the blue hurt a lot and yet I had to respect her decision and live with it. I only recollected the card position some time later and realised we had both been forwarned.

The next step in getting this card was to consider if this was just a warning, rather than related to work, so I drew another card to see if the message was reinforced. I then drew The Sun, a Major Arcana card which usually indicates success, fulfillment, enlightenment and the time to let your light shine. Well, that seemed very positive so I will sit with the messages and see what thoughts and actions come about soon.

Today my son is bored and I am in a rather distracted frame of mind so am finding it difficult to settle to anyone things. Do you ever get days like that? There are 101 things to do but I can't begin to focus on any one things. The summer holidays mean juggling a number of demands but I think I will just to do what is absolutley necessary and then enjoy time with LS!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Self Reliance - 9 of Pentacles

Yesterday I had a lovely time with a lady who writes books on metaphysics and magical living. She lives in the Lake District and has created her own concept of how we can appreciate our time here to the full. Her books are full of fascinating insights to another way of being. She was really welcoming and interesting to talk with. Our sons are the same age and our lives have some parallels. It was fascinating to hear how she came to her beliefs and has inspired me to keep on looking for a way to harmonise my searching with a congruent life.

This morning I drew the 9 of Pentacles. This can signify Self-reliance, attainment, refinement and prosperity as a result of past effort. The reliance on self is something that has come to me more so since my Mum died after the break up of my relationship with BM. We often struggle to accept this in our life, but it can make us stronger if we go with it.

However, I have drawn this before, and what always strikes me is that this elegant lady (not at all how I am!) is on her own, with only a hooded bird of prey for company. (The bird is said by some to represent our 'shadow self' or the side which we prefer not to look at. Well, I have done some looking at this side recently and maybe I have faced some painful home truths and got it a little more under control.) It is the 'alone' bit that I would like to change. But for now, I will enjoy what we have and be open to the good things that may be on their way... Now won't that be fine!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Four of Cups - self absorption

Yesterday was a difficult day. I had to face some realities about finance and also talk with my ex about them. I have been struggling for a long time to manage on my income, balancing work with being a Mum, and also the fact that the work that I do is still relatively new in this area and the take up of the offering is limited at present..

In October my mortgage will almost double and I have lost a fair bit of regular income. This means I have to find more income from somewhere or we will have to move. I only moved here 2yrs ago and really don't want to HAVE to move. The idea of moving TOWARDS sthg is what appeals, rather than away from.

The talk with BM went well and he was really understanding and supportive. We have had so many issues to deal with over the past few years; it is great to be able to share some emotions and problems and feel heard. He has promised to help a bit but his situation is such that he can't change it, just alleviate it.

So I was feeling sorry for myself (spent far too much time doing that in the past couple of years!) and wishing things were different. But things are as they are, and the only thing I can change is my reaction to them....... as the card I drew today reminded me! The Four of Cups warns us of becoming introverted, self-absorbed, ignoring the good things in front of us. It is easy to lose sight of the fact that we have many blessings. By focusing on one negative thing, we can easily miss the other great things right in from of us.

And so today, I am going to make a conscious effort to focus on the positive things in life, starting with my lovely son and working out from there! LS, my boy, is delight and he gives so much, and we will manage, just as we have always done. AND, with so many dreadful things going on in the world and all the suffering, my focus will be on continuing to help others as much as possible and trust that our minor issues will sort themselves out in their own good time.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Potential - 3 of swords

Such a good day; my first reading for someone who wants to use the cards to help them get an answer to a really key issue. I did the full Celtic Cross spread and hopefully it gave significant insghts to their issues.

And now I asked the cards for help with my own stuff and, yet again, the 3 of Wands came up. This card is recurring so often just now that I have to take note. The key words are Exploration, Foresight and Leadership. It is a key theme in everything I do just now and yet I am wary of it. I see someone looking to new horizons, supported by strength, insight and experience... knowing that the new horizons are full of potential and yet - I am scared. What of?

Hmmm... scared of power, moving away from the known and treading water in a new life. We all fear the unknown and yet the mantra is 'Feel the fear and do it anyway'. Well I have felt the fear, done it anyway and mostly been OK. But I want and need stability. So, does it give that? Well, I have 3 staffs of strength by me, my feet are on solid ground and I love sailing. So, I must venture forth and trust that it will be Ok.

Tonight I called an old friend who I have not spoken to for a long time and she told me of her life and what she faces and it brings home to me how we all journeyers along this path and face struggles that only we can face. Others may be there as support but sometimes we need to go it alone to get to our journey's end... so that we can start once more.

And so - no more for now!

Temperance and procrastination!

I have just lost a whole screed of writing about yesterday - was checking why a photo didn't load and didn't save the draft, in spite of being asked if I wanted to by the kindly pc!.

Brief summary - had a good meeting yesterday about a project I am managing (or not, actually) with some useful feedback. Feedback is such a great tool - I work with a guy who has taught me a lot about its value. We learnt some valuable techniques on the coaching course I did in Ireland and it is so helpful in development and improving performance. Also met with a lovely lady who has a shop in town with premises to let out. She is setting up a centre for well-being and feels that Life Coaching would be a good support to this.

Quite often I pick a tarot card at the start of the day. Sometimes I ask a specific question, others just for guidance. Today I asked what mesage the cards and for my work and relationships. I drew the 7 of Swords which can signify avoiding responsibility, deception, being on yr own, running away and procrastination. I was not sure if this referred to me or to s/one doing this to me so I drew another. This time it was a Major Arcana card, Temperance which I saw it on the bottom of the pack before I shuffled and then drew it after the shuffle. It is tradionally aligned to Sagittarius, my sign, so has more relevance. It can mean moderation, compromise, harmony, balance, health and well being(!), working with others and consolidation.

So the message for me seems to be to beware of self-deception and procrastination and enjoy working with other people. I am certainly tired of tryng to go it alone and would love to work with other, like-minded people more often.

Well, off to see the lady in town and do some coaching with her so she can see how it works.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

2nd post - aaargh!

Well, this is just a quick one to say that I am trying to get to grips with the technology and the links, but it will take time. Any help most appreciated. The main thing seems to be the link which I use for others to see.

First Time! Ace of Cups

Well, that was incredibly easy - when I woke up this morning I never thought I would be writing my own blog this morning...but here I am. So what do I want to say...?

The sun is shining (good English start to a conversation - talk about the weather) and I have a meeting with someone from a local cinema, to put an advert in their monthly mag. Do I go for the traditional business ad or do I take a risk and put in one for Tarot Coach?

You see, this is where my dilemma is. I have been working as a coach for about 4 years now and I love what I do, but it has never really taken off successfully. My clients seem very happy with our work together do and I really love helping others to achieve their goals and realise their potential, but I am not getting enough work and therefore not fulfilled myself.

... Having read this I think I must take the risk, with maybe some margin for security (not sthg I would have considered a few years ago!) You see, over the past couple of years I have used the Tarot cards a lot to help in my own journeyof development. I was v wary of them for some time, but a friend read them in Ireland and I was fascinated. I use the cardswith others to help them find answers to problems that are concerning them. I am NOT PSYCHIC, but have some well developed intuitive abilities linked to my coaching and people skills. So it seems to help others and is a fun way to do what I love. Especially working in the area of Change and Transition which is full of uncertainty and challenge.

The card above is the one that I feel represents my beliefs - it is LOVE overflowing, happiness, meaningful realtionships, creativity and spirituality .. the things which are at the heart of life. It shows abundance and giving. As I post these musings I think I'll tell you about some of the cards, their significance and how they play a part in this journey.

So now I must get ready to face the day and see what it brings!