Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My New Year resolution ...

Happy 2009. How do you feel just a couple of weeks into this new year? Are you looking forward with trepidation, anxiety, excitement, anticipation, dread, curiosity ...? It is always such a strange time of year. An arbitrary date then dictates all those 'shoulds' and 'oughts' that are linked to making resolutions that we may or may not keep.

I gave up setting NY resolutions some time ago, but this year decided to make one that I actually wanted to keep, cos it was fun, not serious. And it is - to wear shorter skirts more often. Yes, that's right, at the age of 54 I have decided that my legs are one of the few assets that I have and that I could make a bit more of them in this current economic downturn. Nothing too dramatic you understand, just a little shorter than the mid-calf I had taken to wearing as I turned 50. So I try not to automatically go for the trousers or long skirt in my wardrobe when dressing for work - and hope that I can get through the winter without chilblains!

And finally, having just got back from a walk with my lovely business mentor, I have been pondering on what the Oracle at Delphi might say regarding the signs for the coming year. And do you know - I have not got the faintest idea! Hope it a positive one for you, whatever happens.