Monday, September 04, 2006

In Memoriam

The day after writing the last post, I went to Southport to do some training for a dental practice. Afterwards, I visited a dear relative, Helen, 92yrs old, who was in a home nearby. She had been very ill and when I arrived they said she had deteriorated and might only have a few days to live. My father's cousin, she had no siblings or children, and my brothers and I were her closest relatives. She was very weak, barely able to talk but knew I was there. Having called Graeme, my brother living in Menorca, I then spent the night nearby. Graeme flew back the next day to be with her.

For the next few days we travelled between home and Southport, spending as much time with Helen as possible. BM was taking LS camping so was able to look after him during this time. Helen died on Monday 21st August, very peacefully; we were with her to share her passing and she had a gentle going.

Helen was a very special lady, loved by many and we will miss her. She had a fantastic time in the WRNS during WWII and at her funeral there were 10 WRNS, all in their 80s and 90s, to say farewell, as well as many other friends, family and carers. She had married at 39 yrs old - Uncle Dick was a fighter pilot in Bomber Command and what you might call a 'rough diamond'. They loved each greatly and Helen's genteel manner was a perfect foil for Dick's more robust approach to life! He died many years ago and we have visited her regularly since then.

On an even sadder note, the following Friday after Helen died, one of BM's brothers died really suddenly. He had had Muscular Distrophy but although in a wheelchair, was relatively well until an operation went tragically wrong. BM dropped LS off on his way up to Scotland to be with his family. He is in a state of shock, as is all the family, esp his mother, who is frail and in her 80s. K was only 45yrs old and leaves a wife and two teenage sons.

To end a very traumatic week, on the same day K died, Uncle J heard that his 83yr old Mum was taken ill on holiday in Spain, and he has flown out to be with her.

So, a very difficult time for everyone and we are all supporting each other in our own ways. My brother G returns to Spain on Wednesday, having been invaluable in many ways, both practically and emotionally. LS (who has said he doesn't want to be know as LS, but A, which is the initial of his first name, rather than the initials of a nick name!) goes back to school tomorrow. And I am working on a redundancy project, helping people get jobs during the closure of a local factory.

Life goes on... but we miss those who touched our lives in so many different ways whilst they were here.

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