Sunday, September 09, 2007

Releasing the Creative force?

Good morning. It's a glorious day here in Nth Lancashire and I hope it is with you too. We are finally getting the summer we were promised back in March - and very welcome it is too. As part of my recuperation after the op I am able to sit out in the garden soaking up the rays and relaxing. And how strange that is. It is not something I have been able to do easily and yet I love it! And that got me thinking about lots of other things that we love doing - and yet don't do nearly enough. Things like having meals out, friends over for dinner, sailing, walking, travel, going to the theatre - oh and so many other things.

However, enforced rest gives us time to reflect and it can be a real plus too. An astrologer who I interviewed for the research on Inspirational Leadership asked what energy this op was connected to. And I think it is related to the release of some pent up creative force that has been trying to get out for some time but which I was blocking. Not sure where that will take me but I sense it will be a very positive momentum.

One thing that I am doing is reconsidering in more detail the way I live and work - a theme that has been raising its head since I started this Blog over a year ago. It has been an interesting and fruitful period in many ways and there are more changes to come. And if you are having a time when you can't do what you would normally be doing, due to illness or other extraneous circumstances, what energy is it connecting you to and what might be the benefits for you and others around you?


  1. Found your blog while googling for my own, Thought it was mine at first! I'd had a tagline about musings of a life coach which I've deleted, feeling quite derivative, although I'd not seen yours yet.

    Love your ideas and wish you speedy recovery. Judy

  2. Anonymous9:41 pm

    People should read this.
