Sunday, October 15, 2006


This pic has no reason to be here apart from the fact that I took it from the hotel terrace where I was staying recently. Tomorrow I am visiting a local astrologer who has written a number of books and who is going to do a full reading for me, and also maybe help mentor me re the Tarot Life Coaching. And I feel very wary and rather concerned, and yet I know I am being silly.... but I feel he may be able to see inside and I wonder what I am afraid he will see? And now I am writing this I think, well, what is there to be afraid of really? - I am OK and if there are dark bits then it is about time they see some light.

And now maybe the picture, which I chose at random from My Picture file, maybe has some relevance. It is rather dark and could do with a bit of sunlight to brighten up its features, and the bridge does open occasionally to let big ships thru and we all need to open up sometimes... and I am really conscious that this metaphor has done its job and must not be stretched any further!

So, what might need a bit of light shining on in your life. And if you are a bit concerned about that, what does that mean to you?

Oh, and I am doing OK on some of the goals and v badly on others. Will review next week!

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