Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas Abundance

At this time of festive preparation and Christmas feasting, it can be easy to get pulled in to the idea that we have to be happy and upbeat and if we are not, then there is something wrong. Well, it is just a date in the calendar and our lives don't stop being stressful, challenging or difficult just because it is the 25th December. However, it can be a time to step out of things we are going through, and simply give thanks for what is good, whatever that may be.

Your life may well be full of abundance, or it could be hard to see a positive sign, but I do hope you can find time to celebrate what you feel is important to you at this Christmas time. May an abundance of Christmas cheer find its way to you this week wherever you are, whatever you believe in and however you choose to spend this time.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

The Facts of Life

Last night, A. came downstairs because he couldn't get to sleep. This is a fairly common occurrence at the moment, especially with his broken arm. We talked about what was bothering him, and eventually he said how much he wished he had a brother or sister living with us, so then he would not be so scared at night. This is something that many 'only' children must feel (he has two half brothers much older who he doesn't see often), and I felt so very sorry for him.

We talked about this and then things moved on to where babies come from. (I have been wondering when/if he would ask about this sometime!) He sort of knew already, but wanted to be sure. I won't go into our conversation as it was between us, but he did ask, with a certain amount of disbelief, 'Did you and Daddy have to do that to get me?'

However, the main thing about that conversation which has stayed with me, was his struggle with the idea that there are certain things in life that we just can't have, however much we would like them. We talked about his love to have a sibling and how that couldn't happen now, and he then said, 'Well, I suppose we just have to be happy with how things are. and not wish for things we know we can't have' And it was so moving, knowing how much it meant for him to say that.

The facts of life seem so much more complex than simple biology... My question today is, 'What facts of life are you finding difficult to deal with at the moment, and what can you focus on to make things a bit easier NOW?'

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Birthday Bash!

A. broke his arm on Tuesday night. He had been staying with his Dad and leapt at him across the bed at bedtime, as 9yr olds do, missed, put out his arm to break his fall and broke his arm instead. His Dad took him to Kendal Hospital where they X-rayed it, put a temporary splint on and sent him to Lancaster Hospital in the middle of the night, for an op to set it the next morning. He is doing OK, managing with this really heavy plaster on his arm, and loads of medicine to ease the pain.

I had been working away for almost 2 weeks with only a day or so back home, when it happened. I won't bore you with the details of how I found out but suffice to say, it highlighted how differently two loving parents can view the same incident! Having ensured that my business colleague would be OK with my leaving the training course, I returned home on Wednesday evening to see my poor lad all pale and bravely clasping his newly plastered arm before him. He had a very painful night but is getting better by the day. Apparently it is a really bad break and he will have to have the plaster for about 6 weeks and it could take up to a year to heal properly... so a less than active Christmas for him. He keeps saying he wished he had a time machine to take him back to before he leapt across the bed!
The day he did it was his Dad's birthday, and Thursday was mine, so both of us were suitably distracted and not bothered about celebrating. (I usually tell all and sundry as I love celebrations...!) However, the upside was that we were together for the day and had lots of calls and relatives round to see how he was doing and it was all quite convivial in spite of the circumstances.
And today there is no question to muse over, just the thought that our loved ones are the most important things in life and it is so awful when we see them suffering and can do little to help and that time spent with them is so precious.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


On this Remembrance Sunday we often look back to family times and think about those who are no longer here. As I sat watching the ceremony I thought of my parents and how we always had to be quiet during the 2 minute silence and when I was little I didn't know why, except it was something to do with the war and dead people. And my Grandpa playing the cornet at a Remembrance service and being a bit embarrassed somehow but also moved to tears and not knowing why. And Helen, who died so recently and played a significant role as WREN in WWII.

Today I sat there with so many memories and my son jumping around pretending to play the bagpipes as the Scots played their lament for the dead. And it seemed so poignant and life goes on and we pass on the traditions and somehow it makes a bit of sense of this crazy world.

So today there is no question, just this poem and an image that means different things to each one of us...

In Flanders Field
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row by row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard among the guns below.

By John Macrae

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Power Play

In keeping with my revamped web site and new colour scheme I have changed the blog look. Let me know what you think!

This is one of my favourite photos of Autumn, taken last year on a beautiful November day down at Bowness, with the yachts on Windermere waiting like swans for a little breeze to set off across the lake.

On Saturday I went for a 'gentle walk' along the river Lune with the Zest group. 'Gentle' it may have been but more than 6 hours later I returned home quite exhausted after the stroll got rather bogged down in a field of cows, who took a rather more than bovine interest in us! Still, I thoroughly enjoyed it and felt quite entitled to the pizza and red wine I then downed in the evening...

For those of you who may be still wondering about the visit to the astrologer, Lyn Birkbeck, here is a brief summary of what is significant to me now.

Lyn was very professional and the reading was both detailed and personal. Without going into detail, the main messages were that I had a 'challenging ' profile and needed to acknowledge that Power is a key issue for me. And that I had to acknowledge whatever it is that is my 'personal power' and claim it, if I am to become more at ease with myself and fulfil the potential that is written in the stars... Well, I have missed out a lot of stuff and put my own spin on it, but it struck a chord, because I have been grappling with this 'personal power' issue for some time.

Just what is that makes us feel powerful - and good? You know that feeling when everything is going right and you are on a roll? Do you ever suddenly stop and think 'Wait a minute, I shouldn't be feeling/acting/behaving/ like this'? Well, what do you do about it? There are lots of issues around power, and I don't think it is a gender thing. Maybe it is something to do with the way we are brought up, or maybe it is cultural, or ...well, I don't know. But I do know that when we are feeling good about ourselves, our talents and our abilities we become greater and more able to relate, help and generally communicate with other people.

Today's question is - In what area of your life are you shielding your power and not letting it shine through? What can you do to release it so that you can become more of the person you really are and fulfil your true potential?

Saturday, October 28, 2006

2 Week Challenge review - better late than never!

It's two weeks since the last posting and it seems a lifetime! I have had a very busy time and am still adjusting to some major shifts in thinking and being. The visit to the astrologer was key to this, in a way I didn't expect. I went to the Mind Body Spirit event in Manchester last week and heard Gill Edwards talk on Wild Love and met lots of interesting people. I am clearer about the Coaching work and my passion for it, and getting out with friends and colleagues is helping to restore much needed balance and stability.
Here is a review of the goals set 3 weeks ago...

1. Get 2 more coaching clients - Yes, but only for 10mins each! CCNET had a stand at a Mind Body Spirit festival in Carlisle and we offered 'On the spot' coaching to give people an idea what it is about. I coached 3 people plus one of our group. I have talked to lots of people about coaching and this will bear fruit in future.
2. Distribute 50 cards about Tarot Life Coaching in local shops and appropriate venues - Yes, some in Betty & Babs and a couple of other shops and also to friends and at the Carlisle event.
3. Advertise for a PA to help me sort out my disorganised work place! - Yes! Through a local network I have met a lovely lady who is coming over on Monday and seems just exactly who I need to sort me out!
4. Update my ICF file on coaching clients for ACC accreditation - No, and I didn't try. Hopefully Chris will help with that.
5. Meet Tarot reader for some more help on the coaching ideas. - Yes, went round to a friend's house for a chat about it and also at two MBS events in Mchstr and Carlisle. I am sure I wnat to offerit as a Coaching tool rather than a divination thing. And the meeting with the astrologer was very illuminating re that ... more later!
6. Contact the person to whom I said I would write an on-line course on Change and Transition and say I won't be doing it (yet). - Yes, and she was fine about it.
7. Say 'No' to at least 5 things! - Probably -not sure, as I haven't counted but I am def saying 'No' to more things and it feels great!
8. Go on a Date.....No, and the dots seemed to indicate my lack of resolve. I did join another dating site and even got chatting to a couple of guys and did not follow it up. I am now sure that that route is not for me. I will meet someone and we will hit it off when the time is right. I had wondered if I was still scared of the idea of dating but I am pretty sure that it is just that other things need to be right, rather than simply saying 'I want to meet someone'. The truth is I want to meet a SPECIAL someone and that will happen when it happens. So a good bit of learning there.
9. Walk for 10mins every other day. - No, but I have done some exercise inclduing a lovely walk on the fells with my Aunt & Uncle, plus walking around the area I live, a long bike ride with A and friends, plus a rigorous Shiatsu session yesterday. I am feeling generally better and will start yoga again this week.
10. Do all of the above!!! - Almost! I truly had not realised how much I had done until I wrote this. And the interesting thing is that I had not kept track of the list once I wrote it.. In fact, I forgot it after a couple of days. The goals I set must have been ones I really wanted to achieve, well, most of them!, and I had also sent out the message to the universe. The one that I amost pleased with meeting Chris who will be a great support - and she recommended a cleaning lady too. So that, combined with a decluttering session with a very helpful coach who helped me to focus on gettng rid of 'stuff', should mean that my living environment will greatly improve.
How did you get on? Congratulate yourself on what you did achieve and have a look at what you didn't. You can learn a lot about yourself from thosethings. Did you REALLY WANT to do them or did you feel you OUGHT to do them? Life is full of OUGHTS and SHOULDS, and sometimes they don't really serve us. What are you currently doing that you feel you SHOULD be doing but would rather not? What do you WANT to do? Why not do it?

Sunday, October 15, 2006


This pic has no reason to be here apart from the fact that I took it from the hotel terrace where I was staying recently. Tomorrow I am visiting a local astrologer who has written a number of books and who is going to do a full reading for me, and also maybe help mentor me re the Tarot Life Coaching. And I feel very wary and rather concerned, and yet I know I am being silly.... but I feel he may be able to see inside and I wonder what I am afraid he will see? And now I am writing this I think, well, what is there to be afraid of really? - I am OK and if there are dark bits then it is about time they see some light.

And now maybe the picture, which I chose at random from My Picture file, maybe has some relevance. It is rather dark and could do with a bit of sunlight to brighten up its features, and the bridge does open occasionally to let big ships thru and we all need to open up sometimes... and I am really conscious that this metaphor has done its job and must not be stretched any further!

So, what might need a bit of light shining on in your life. And if you are a bit concerned about that, what does that mean to you?

Oh, and I am doing OK on some of the goals and v badly on others. Will review next week!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

2 Week challenge

Good Morning.... it is a sunny day (so far!) and for some reason I have been at this machine for the best part of an hour and it is only just 9am. A is with his dad and the day, Saturday, is set aside to catch up on things. Best news this week is that I have booked to go to New Zealand, with A, early next year, for 5 weeks. I am so excited as it is a dream I have had for many years. More of that later.

A well known coach called David Wood recently sent out a message to take part in a 2 week challenge to achieve as much as you could, and post it on his blog, which I have done. So now I am posting it here with the challenge to you to do the same.

Here goes:

1. Get 2 more coaching clients

2. Distribute 50 cards about Tarot Life Coaching in local shops and appropriate venues

3. Advertise for a PA to help me sort out my disorganised work place!

4. Update my ICF file on coaching clients for ACC accreditation

5. Meet Tarot reader for some more help on the coaching ideas.

6. Contact the person to whom I said I would write an on-line course on Change and Transition and say I won't be doing it (yet).

7. Say 'No' to at least 5 things!

8. Go on a Date.....

9. Walk for 10mins every other day.

10. Do all of the above!!!

I will keep you posted on my progress. So, what could you achieve in 2 weeks if you put your mind to it? If you would like to post it here - great, or join David's list. Have a lovely weekend.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


On Friday I had the first session of the Tarot Life Coaching at Betty & Babs in Kendal. It seemed to go well and the client (sounds rather clinical - wonder what would sound better?) said she found it very helpful. The important thing about what I do is that the power lies with the other person and we both use the cards to get more clarity about a specific question. My role is to ask pertinent questions, challenge views and help the other person to understand their position better. The cards are a starting point.

To gain some inspiration just now, I shuffled the cards and drew this one. Key words include Connection, Truce and Attraction. It has various meanings for me, expecially re the connection with others and an attraction to this work I have started. The truce has come with my past and I feel at peace with its issues. There seem to be some great connections starting to happen in small but significant ways - time will tell where they are going. Unfortunately, there is no special guy to share any other sort of attraction with just now - but maybe he is just waiting for the right moment!

At present I am thinking about intuition and how it can help and hinder us. I use it a lot in my work but sometimes we can be unclear whether it is our intuition or our gremlins connecting with us. The gremlins tend to be negative and drain us, whereas our intuition ....what? In coaching I offer a possible 'intuitive' insight to a client as a possibility, not a direction. Sometimes I confuse intuition with wishful thinking... have you ever done that? It has got me into some intersting scrapes in the past!

So, the musings continue. I want to be able to help others to trust that inner wisdom which we all have, and be able to differentiate between that wisdom and the confusing messages we may also tap into that might not help us. What does your intuition tell you? Do you connect with it enough? How can you develop your inner wisdom to help you to find your own way through life's challenges and enjoy your life more?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Flight of the Phoenix!

I couldn't resist the title of this posting! I have just had my first flight in a glider and absolutely loved it.

It was another Zest outing, this time just for me, as A is on holiday in menorca with his dad. I was really quite nervous beforehand, and even had a dream about it the nite before, where I nearly fell out of the plane. But it was really wonderful and I would love to do it again.

The first flight was to do aerobatics... we did loop the loop and some other fancy manoeuvres, before a very tight landing. The sensation of being upside down at speed was indescribable! Then it was off for a longer glide over a nearby hill, where I could look down on the hang gliders and enjoy the brilliant sensation of feeling as free as a bird. The pilot was great, very reassuring and patient, esp when I had a go with the controls, and set us off towards the ground at a rate of knots! I quickly decided to leave the plane in his capable hands and simply enjoy the ride.

The thing that struck me afterwards was how the fear of the flight very nearly made me not do it, and I could so easily have missed this wonderful time. Fear is a very natural emotion and it must not stop us from experiencing things, simply help us to check that we are not being totally foolish or taking unfeasible risks. If we can use it to have a check about risk when we want to try sthg different or change sthg, and then overcome it, we grow and move on.

So what do you fear? Is the fear a reasonable one or simply the result of your overactive imagination? Maybe others have put the fear into your mind. What does your inner voice tell you? What fear can you over come this week? To quote Susan Jeffers, is it time to Feel the Fear - and Do it Anyway?

Sunday, September 10, 2006


Wow, what a great day out! My son and I have recently joined this activity club and we had a really fun day at a Leisure lake nearby, where A tried out waterskiing, canoeing, banana boat riding and Xstream - being towed behind a speed boat at full speed, on a giant inflatable platform.

As you may know if you have been reading this blog, part of the changes I am making to our lives, is to get more social life, and this club certainly has lots going on in the Lancashire area.... A great way to meet new people, share different activities and have some fun.. Can't be bad!

So, thought for today - what can you try this week that is different and fun and brings a smile to your face? The mind boggles - as they used to say!!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Life and change

A lot of my work is about helping people deal with change and today was no exception. I am currently working with about 30 people who are being made redundant from a local factory, most of whom have spent the majority of their working lives in this one job. Most of them have enjoyed their work and are rather fearful about what will happen next. The biggest concerns are around the unknown; questions like 'What will they want to know at the dole office?' (even after so many years of rebranding, the local Job centre is still known as the Dole Office to many, with all the accompanying stigma.) 'What can I do; all I have ever known is how to do X.' 'How will someone of my age ever get another job?'

My role is to do some practical stuff like writing a CV which represents in a positive light all the great things they have achieved in their working life, help them with Job Search, access local jobs and employers and do some training in Interview skills...but it is so much more. A lot of it is around building confidence and encouraging people to try something different with an open mind. After many years in this business, I know that many of them will get jobs that actually bring out other facets that they may never have been aware of, and give satisfaction in ways never dreamed. But it is a very scary time and my main job now is to help make the feared more acceptable and less challenging.

Change comes to us all in different guises and even when we apparently choose change, for instance, when we marry someone we dearly love, or move to a beautiful new home or have a much longed for baby, we are never really prepared for the impact of that change. We can search out many different ways to minimise the impact of change, but we can never truly escape its effects.

So my thoughts today are around acceptance of this phase of life and trying to help others to develop a positive outlook, whilst facing the realities of their situation. Something I too strive for and sometimes achieve!

Monday, September 04, 2006

In Memoriam

The day after writing the last post, I went to Southport to do some training for a dental practice. Afterwards, I visited a dear relative, Helen, 92yrs old, who was in a home nearby. She had been very ill and when I arrived they said she had deteriorated and might only have a few days to live. My father's cousin, she had no siblings or children, and my brothers and I were her closest relatives. She was very weak, barely able to talk but knew I was there. Having called Graeme, my brother living in Menorca, I then spent the night nearby. Graeme flew back the next day to be with her.

For the next few days we travelled between home and Southport, spending as much time with Helen as possible. BM was taking LS camping so was able to look after him during this time. Helen died on Monday 21st August, very peacefully; we were with her to share her passing and she had a gentle going.

Helen was a very special lady, loved by many and we will miss her. She had a fantastic time in the WRNS during WWII and at her funeral there were 10 WRNS, all in their 80s and 90s, to say farewell, as well as many other friends, family and carers. She had married at 39 yrs old - Uncle Dick was a fighter pilot in Bomber Command and what you might call a 'rough diamond'. They loved each greatly and Helen's genteel manner was a perfect foil for Dick's more robust approach to life! He died many years ago and we have visited her regularly since then.

On an even sadder note, the following Friday after Helen died, one of BM's brothers died really suddenly. He had had Muscular Distrophy but although in a wheelchair, was relatively well until an operation went tragically wrong. BM dropped LS off on his way up to Scotland to be with his family. He is in a state of shock, as is all the family, esp his mother, who is frail and in her 80s. K was only 45yrs old and leaves a wife and two teenage sons.

To end a very traumatic week, on the same day K died, Uncle J heard that his 83yr old Mum was taken ill on holiday in Spain, and he has flown out to be with her.

So, a very difficult time for everyone and we are all supporting each other in our own ways. My brother G returns to Spain on Wednesday, having been invaluable in many ways, both practically and emotionally. LS (who has said he doesn't want to be know as LS, but A, which is the initial of his first name, rather than the initials of a nick name!) goes back to school tomorrow. And I am working on a redundancy project, helping people get jobs during the closure of a local factory.

Life goes on... but we miss those who touched our lives in so many different ways whilst they were here.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Sunderland Point

Do you ever have days when things just flow seamlessly? Yesterday was one of those lovely days. It started early... My son had two friends on a sleep over - they scared themselves silly watching The Mummy Returns and one was still awake at 3am, then they all woke up at 5am!

Once I had dragged myself out of slumber we set off for a day out. We visited Sunderland Point, a little peninsular near Lancaster, which used to be a port where ships unloaded cargo and got repaired, when Lancaster was a busy trading port in the 1700s. You can only get to it when the tide is out as the road is at sea level and floods at high tide. This added a slight frisson of danger for the boys!

We had a lovely time just wandering about, having a picnic listening to the seabirds and watching a heron imitating still life. The boys collected stones and scratched their names on them to place at the poignant little 'grave' of Sambo, a young black boy, who was supposed to have died there after leaving a slave ship in the 1790s.

We then went on to the River Lune where the boys splashed around like young puppies and ignored the soft summer rain as they skimmed stones and laughed. By the end of the afternoon we were all quite tired and lemon drizzle cake was a great way to complete the experience.

These times are what I find the most important and memorable - sharing enjoyable fun with those we care about. I hope you have a day like this soon!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Wheel of Fortune

What an amazing couple of days... my question was about the purpose and focus of life just now and this card has come up twice. The Wheel of Fortune is central to our lives and is one of the few that does not have a person centred. It represents Fate, destiny, sudden happenings outside of our control and expectations..amongst other things.

I have had so many good connections with people in the past 24hrs, including someone I needed to forgive and lots of interesting work opportunities. Having decided to try the web site dating once more I have had messages galore and am determined to explore the opportunities that fate is placing in front of me.

If you need to get a focus in your life, you must believe that things will improve and get back in touch with your inner voice. You truly do have the answers to your own dilemmas and all you need to do is be WHOLEHEARTED about moving forward. Then life will start to change for the better.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Temperance. Well, this card came up for me again and it is the 3rd time in a week so I am going to look once more for deeper significcance. Key words include Forgiveness, artistic creation, balance, intermingling and moderation. At present the route I am taking is rather vague and not clrealy defined. I get frustrated when things are not clear and I don't have a definite goal to work towards, but there is something here about being open to others, forgiving past hurts and being true to creativity.

I have been pondering on my meeting with the author of 'Living Magically' last week and re-reading it. The message that 'Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy' struck me really loudly today. I wonder where we unconsciously live out our fears and negativity? If we believe we can make a difference to our own lives as well as others, then surely we must develop a deep belief that we can affect our own lives for the better.

Today, how about believing that only positive things will happen and see what does materialise......

Monday, August 14, 2006

Heartbreak & Fulfillment

My request to the cards today was 'How can I use my skills to help others?' and I drew the 3 of Swords. As you can see, it is a powerful image and the meaning can seem very clear. Heartbreak, betrayal, loneliness, mourning and other such strong emotions are some of the indicators here. It may imply a necessary cutting off or illness. And how is this relevant to my question? Well, it could mean that past experiences can be used to help others deal with these issues. Certainly in the area of Change and Transition, in which I work, these are some of the major life feelings that my clients all experience at some time. Or it could be a warning of iminent bad news.

I remember doing readings for a close friend and myself last year and we both had this card in the position of forthcoming events... and a short while later she wrote to say that she was going through some intense personal issues and felt our friendship should be put on hold for some time. That bolt from the blue hurt a lot and yet I had to respect her decision and live with it. I only recollected the card position some time later and realised we had both been forwarned.

The next step in getting this card was to consider if this was just a warning, rather than related to work, so I drew another card to see if the message was reinforced. I then drew The Sun, a Major Arcana card which usually indicates success, fulfillment, enlightenment and the time to let your light shine. Well, that seemed very positive so I will sit with the messages and see what thoughts and actions come about soon.

Today my son is bored and I am in a rather distracted frame of mind so am finding it difficult to settle to anyone things. Do you ever get days like that? There are 101 things to do but I can't begin to focus on any one things. The summer holidays mean juggling a number of demands but I think I will just to do what is absolutley necessary and then enjoy time with LS!

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Self Reliance - 9 of Pentacles

Yesterday I had a lovely time with a lady who writes books on metaphysics and magical living. She lives in the Lake District and has created her own concept of how we can appreciate our time here to the full. Her books are full of fascinating insights to another way of being. She was really welcoming and interesting to talk with. Our sons are the same age and our lives have some parallels. It was fascinating to hear how she came to her beliefs and has inspired me to keep on looking for a way to harmonise my searching with a congruent life.

This morning I drew the 9 of Pentacles. This can signify Self-reliance, attainment, refinement and prosperity as a result of past effort. The reliance on self is something that has come to me more so since my Mum died after the break up of my relationship with BM. We often struggle to accept this in our life, but it can make us stronger if we go with it.

However, I have drawn this before, and what always strikes me is that this elegant lady (not at all how I am!) is on her own, with only a hooded bird of prey for company. (The bird is said by some to represent our 'shadow self' or the side which we prefer not to look at. Well, I have done some looking at this side recently and maybe I have faced some painful home truths and got it a little more under control.) It is the 'alone' bit that I would like to change. But for now, I will enjoy what we have and be open to the good things that may be on their way... Now won't that be fine!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Four of Cups - self absorption

Yesterday was a difficult day. I had to face some realities about finance and also talk with my ex about them. I have been struggling for a long time to manage on my income, balancing work with being a Mum, and also the fact that the work that I do is still relatively new in this area and the take up of the offering is limited at present..

In October my mortgage will almost double and I have lost a fair bit of regular income. This means I have to find more income from somewhere or we will have to move. I only moved here 2yrs ago and really don't want to HAVE to move. The idea of moving TOWARDS sthg is what appeals, rather than away from.

The talk with BM went well and he was really understanding and supportive. We have had so many issues to deal with over the past few years; it is great to be able to share some emotions and problems and feel heard. He has promised to help a bit but his situation is such that he can't change it, just alleviate it.

So I was feeling sorry for myself (spent far too much time doing that in the past couple of years!) and wishing things were different. But things are as they are, and the only thing I can change is my reaction to them....... as the card I drew today reminded me! The Four of Cups warns us of becoming introverted, self-absorbed, ignoring the good things in front of us. It is easy to lose sight of the fact that we have many blessings. By focusing on one negative thing, we can easily miss the other great things right in from of us.

And so today, I am going to make a conscious effort to focus on the positive things in life, starting with my lovely son and working out from there! LS, my boy, is delight and he gives so much, and we will manage, just as we have always done. AND, with so many dreadful things going on in the world and all the suffering, my focus will be on continuing to help others as much as possible and trust that our minor issues will sort themselves out in their own good time.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Potential - 3 of swords

Such a good day; my first reading for someone who wants to use the cards to help them get an answer to a really key issue. I did the full Celtic Cross spread and hopefully it gave significant insghts to their issues.

And now I asked the cards for help with my own stuff and, yet again, the 3 of Wands came up. This card is recurring so often just now that I have to take note. The key words are Exploration, Foresight and Leadership. It is a key theme in everything I do just now and yet I am wary of it. I see someone looking to new horizons, supported by strength, insight and experience... knowing that the new horizons are full of potential and yet - I am scared. What of?

Hmmm... scared of power, moving away from the known and treading water in a new life. We all fear the unknown and yet the mantra is 'Feel the fear and do it anyway'. Well I have felt the fear, done it anyway and mostly been OK. But I want and need stability. So, does it give that? Well, I have 3 staffs of strength by me, my feet are on solid ground and I love sailing. So, I must venture forth and trust that it will be Ok.

Tonight I called an old friend who I have not spoken to for a long time and she told me of her life and what she faces and it brings home to me how we all journeyers along this path and face struggles that only we can face. Others may be there as support but sometimes we need to go it alone to get to our journey's end... so that we can start once more.

And so - no more for now!

Temperance and procrastination!

I have just lost a whole screed of writing about yesterday - was checking why a photo didn't load and didn't save the draft, in spite of being asked if I wanted to by the kindly pc!.

Brief summary - had a good meeting yesterday about a project I am managing (or not, actually) with some useful feedback. Feedback is such a great tool - I work with a guy who has taught me a lot about its value. We learnt some valuable techniques on the coaching course I did in Ireland and it is so helpful in development and improving performance. Also met with a lovely lady who has a shop in town with premises to let out. She is setting up a centre for well-being and feels that Life Coaching would be a good support to this.

Quite often I pick a tarot card at the start of the day. Sometimes I ask a specific question, others just for guidance. Today I asked what mesage the cards and for my work and relationships. I drew the 7 of Swords which can signify avoiding responsibility, deception, being on yr own, running away and procrastination. I was not sure if this referred to me or to s/one doing this to me so I drew another. This time it was a Major Arcana card, Temperance which I saw it on the bottom of the pack before I shuffled and then drew it after the shuffle. It is tradionally aligned to Sagittarius, my sign, so has more relevance. It can mean moderation, compromise, harmony, balance, health and well being(!), working with others and consolidation.

So the message for me seems to be to beware of self-deception and procrastination and enjoy working with other people. I am certainly tired of tryng to go it alone and would love to work with other, like-minded people more often.

Well, off to see the lady in town and do some coaching with her so she can see how it works.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

2nd post - aaargh!

Well, this is just a quick one to say that I am trying to get to grips with the technology and the links, but it will take time. Any help most appreciated. The main thing seems to be the link which I use for others to see.

First Time! Ace of Cups

Well, that was incredibly easy - when I woke up this morning I never thought I would be writing my own blog this morning...but here I am. So what do I want to say...?

The sun is shining (good English start to a conversation - talk about the weather) and I have a meeting with someone from a local cinema, to put an advert in their monthly mag. Do I go for the traditional business ad or do I take a risk and put in one for Tarot Coach?

You see, this is where my dilemma is. I have been working as a coach for about 4 years now and I love what I do, but it has never really taken off successfully. My clients seem very happy with our work together do and I really love helping others to achieve their goals and realise their potential, but I am not getting enough work and therefore not fulfilled myself.

... Having read this I think I must take the risk, with maybe some margin for security (not sthg I would have considered a few years ago!) You see, over the past couple of years I have used the Tarot cards a lot to help in my own journeyof development. I was v wary of them for some time, but a friend read them in Ireland and I was fascinated. I use the cardswith others to help them find answers to problems that are concerning them. I am NOT PSYCHIC, but have some well developed intuitive abilities linked to my coaching and people skills. So it seems to help others and is a fun way to do what I love. Especially working in the area of Change and Transition which is full of uncertainty and challenge.

The card above is the one that I feel represents my beliefs - it is LOVE overflowing, happiness, meaningful realtionships, creativity and spirituality .. the things which are at the heart of life. It shows abundance and giving. As I post these musings I think I'll tell you about some of the cards, their significance and how they play a part in this journey.

So now I must get ready to face the day and see what it brings!