In these challenging times it can be difficult to know what to say to the people who work for and with us. Should we admit to concerns or worries or ought we to be always upbeat and positive? A number of my clients are grappling with this dilemma at present. They have been through many months of a changing business climate and there is still a great deal of uncertainty ahead.
So how do you motivate and inspire staff who may be worried about losing their jobs ...? What do you tell customers and clients who may be wondering if your business will be here next month ...?
So how do you motivate and inspire staff who may be worried about losing their jobs ...? What do you tell customers and clients who may be wondering if your business will be here next month ...?
One thing is true; in whatever business you are in, people's B***S**T detectors are on high alert! Everyone has their antennae tuned in for signs that things may not be as rosy as might be painted. And none of us take kindly to having the wool pulled over our eyes when it comes to truth-telling.
So what I suggest is that you ask yourself the following questions:
- What is the REALITY of your current situation?
- Where do you SEE your business in 6months/1yr/3yrs/5yrs' time?
- What do your staff/suppliers/customers/clients NEED to HEAR from you?
- What INFORMATION & VISION do you need to SHARE with others?
- What's in it for them to BUY INTO your message?
- What do you find INSPIRING about your message?
- How does it link to your VALUES?
- How are you going to PERSUADE/INFLUENCE others to join you in this?
- What is the overall OUTCOME that you want?
- When are you going to DO this and what SUPPORT do you need?
By going through this process, in whatever order seems appropriate, you become clearer on what is really important for you and everyone else involved in your business. And if you are genuine in all of this, others will pick up on that and happily share in your leadership challenge.
Good luck - and if I can help you in any way, get in touch any time.