Monday, November 10, 2008
Remembrance of Things Past
So it's that time of year again when we look back and remember those who gave so much to enable us to be where we are today. As I watched the Memorial Service yesterday, I had a vivid flashback to my days as a child when Dad used to make us watch the same service. On a black and white TV, I recollect grainy images of old men and women walking solemnly past the Cenotaph, and Dad telling me that I had to be very grateful because they had been through so much to give us freedom... and I didn't really know what he meant by freedom, just knew it must be important.
Dad was in the Navy at the end of WW2 and spoke, with great warmth, of the comradeship and spirit that was so much a part of that time. My brother was in the RAF and posted to Ireland and he also refers to the sense of working together and the knowledge that life was precious - to all involved.
And another memory came back, of a man called Alan, who ran the sweetshop in Southport near my Grandma's. His face was dreadfully scarred from burns he had suffered in a fighter plane crash in WW2. We kids were scared of him because he looked so different - and yet he was such a kind man and it must have been very difficult for him to be always having people shy away when they saw his injuries.
And somehow just remembering all this was sort of sad and yet reassuring. The past has a lot to share with us. In these days of fast food, instant gratification and the quick fix - it is worth remembering that some things are worth fighting for, take longer to achieve, but are so worth it all in the long run.
What is worth fighting for in your life?
Friday, September 26, 2008
George Bush and arguments!
All I know is that I am determined not to be swept away with too much rhetoric and financial doom and gloom. I am currently reading 'Nella Last's War' written by a Barrow housewife during the second world war. It puts so much into perspective.
We are not being bombed here in Cumbria and the local farmer's market still sells lots of great food to eat - and my son goes to school without fear of attack. So life seems pretty good to me and I hope it is OK with you too.
What do you need to remind yourself of to keep a sense of perspective? Hope you find something uplifting!!
Monday, August 04, 2008
Jelly Beans & perspective
I don't want to work in the usual office environment which seems rather uncreative and uninspiring. I believe that your workplace can reflect your personality and the ideal that you aspire to in your working life. It is important that my clients feel comfortable when they are having their coaching and that our team is in an inspiring and uplifting place during our working week.
So, the question to you is - what can you do to brighten up your working environment and make it more relaxing/uplifting/comfortable/welcoming or whatever ambiance you want to create?
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Falling down ...
Just over a week ago I was running downstairs, late for an appointment when I tripped and fell down six stairs. I lay in a heap not wanting to get up, and feeling overwhelmed. I had to give myself a good talking to about not rushing so much and why was I rushing anyway? And an image came into my head of when I worked in Hong Kong, in the busy corporate maelstrom that substitutes for life over there. And I realised that I had to slow down, that I was losing touch with what was important to me.
I had to take a long, hard look at reality and face a few home truths that I didn't want to see. I decided I needed to step back a bit and get that overview that I had lost being caught up in the detail. So I put in place some strategies and emergency measures and other such sensible things to enable us to continue and thought all was OK
Then a few days ago I fell over again (and no wine involved in either case!) and I realised I had simply replaced one set of 'shoulds' for another.... and now I really am taking time out and stepping back - so that I don't fall over.
... and so the question today is - what do you need to step back from, to stop you from falling over?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
What a circus!
The new office is a big cause for celebration cos it is in the place I had hoped to go to a year ago but life intervened and now it is really happening, Have you ever had that feeling that life has suddenly moved into another zone - one that you had some choice over but that you had not really any idea where it might take you? That's how it is now ... Great to somewhere new and special and I feel sure it is the beginning of something good and fun but am not quite sure what yet!
The website is still very much a work in progress and really not quite ready for a viewing public - but it is 'live', full of errors and proving the benefit of fallibility as a core value as I need to work lots on it and I can't quite work out how to edit it yet and my designer is on holiday and ...aaaaargh!!! But my need for control and perfection is being challenged and I must just go with the flow til it all comes right.
My son is very happy with his great school and at 11years of age it all before him. And that makes me happier than anything.
At some point I am going to start a new Blog cos I now focus on Leadership so this may be one of the last posts I do on this Lifecoach musings theme, but it won't change too much. Til then - a question for you. What in your life do you really want to do? When are you going to do it? What's stopping you? Don't let that stop you! JDI! Just Do It!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Podcasting advice?
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Spring bulbs
Suddenly the garden is starting to show real signs of spring growth. Last year I planted loads of bulbs and here they are, peering through the ground, snowdrops and crocuses already showing their delicate little heads, tiny daffs braving the frost and the climbing hydrangea budding wondrously. I am a bit concerned about the glorious camellia bush, which has hundreds of fabulous pink buds ready to come out. The frost may have damaged them, which would be a real shame, as they give a lovely show each March and really cheer up the garden - and me!
February is almost over and we are no doubt in for some more bad weather before March is out - The March wind doth blow and we shall have snow. However, there will also be some lovely days. Make the most of them and always remember that nothing lasts forever- good or bad... And on that profound and philosophical note, I shall end till the next time!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Endings & Beginnings
Sunday, January 06, 2008
New Year Review
This photo is of the dolphins that A and I swam with almost a year ago and represents the realisation of a long-held dream to visit New Zealand and travel around that lovely country. Swimming with dolphins is something I have wanted to do for years and it was truly memorable. Sometimes it is important to revisit goals and dreams we set in the past and recognise that we can achieve them. It is so easy to just forge ahead and not look back to see just what we have achieved.
So I guess my message this time is to take some time out, look at what you have achieved and celebrate that - before charging ahead to set new dreams and goals. And if you have not achieved something you have set out yet, maybe just think about what you have learnt from simply believing that you could possibly achieve something.
Let go of your fears and embrace your dreams - and if you don't get there, at least you tried.